I also got a new camera, and it's super nice. We had an animal day at LCAD, where a baby kangaroo and a serval came so we can draw and take pictures.
I also got a tattoo a couple weeks ago. I really love it. It's nice, delicate, and really pretty.
And then last Sunday, I went to a charity event for Vietnamese orphans. My family decided to sponsor two children, so I'm excited about that too.
My boyfriend also recently graduated UCI with a degree in Neurobiology, so I'm very proud of him. We went to Disneyland to celebrate, and it was extremely fun.
On top of being the school's blogger, I will also be starting to give campus tour guides too. So that should be useful in the wallet department.
So lots of things going on in my life. It's good to keep busy. :)
Anywhat, on to the art!
In computer animation, we had to animate in sync with music, so I decided to do a dance. I animated it to a Korean song by T-ara, called "I Go Crazy Because of You." It was a pretty interesting but frustrating experience. Here's the animation.
Then in sketchbook ideation, we've moved on to figures. I'm more comfortable in this area, but I still have a long way to go. Like the other work done in this class, it's mainly traditionally, so I don't have copies of it in my laptop to upload yet. Sorry.
Then in figure drawing, I've been having some good weeks, and then not so good weeks, but overall it's fun. Since it's been a while since I updated, I have a lot of work to post from this class.

And then in Modern and Contemporary, I still dislike the class, but I can appreciate some of the art a little more. I guess that's good.
In Environment Design, I'm learning a LOT. I have a lot of work to upload for that class too, so I hope you enjoy it. At first, I was having a hard time with adding color to my gray scale pieces, but I think I'm getting better at it.

Anywhat, onward to improvements!